Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"A Million Little Pieces" & Comforting his mama...

As a woman who is not an alcholic, drug addict, or criminal, it is very hard to understand alcoholics, drug addicts, and criminals. This is especially difficult since I work with parents who are. Never have I been so close to understanding until I read this book. This book, by no means, is the answer to all addiction, but it does give some great insight into why James Frey turned to drugs.

This story (pseudo autobiography...more on that later) begins with James Frey on an airplane unknowingly with a busted grill and no recollection as to how it happened. When I say busted, I mean jacked. I'm talking no front teeth, a broken, nose, and a gash on his cheek. (I guess I can say he was a mess because the author did such a wonderful job of description). James arrives to meet his parents and he is enrolled into drug rehab. He has a clear and serious anger problem that he dubs, "The Fury," and his addiction is fueled by this anger. Whenever the fury rises he needs a drink or a drug (ooops...forgot to mention his drug of choice; crack. Shameful. Oh yea, also forgot to mention, he's my age; literally. 23. How does one become addicted to crack at 23 especially when your parents are filthy stinking rich?? But I digress...) Anyway, so he arrives in rehab and he stays. The one thing I can give James is that he takes responsibility and has the where with all to understand that he needs help. Serious help. (Unlike most of my parents where their addiction somehow ends up being my fault. Right, because I pushed the needle in your arm, forced the blunt to your lips, and lit the spoon so you could do the whole crack bit...wait. Is that how it happens, lol?)

James begins his treatment and makes great friends including a Federal judge and a member of organized crime. (Say whaaat??) James also is given some assistance for his busted grill. His nose is reset (in painstaking detail) and he is sent to the dentist to get his teeth fixed. May I add that he was not allowed to have any pain medication due to him being in rehab. That's right my friends, he had a double root canal as well as new teeth put in WITHOUT anesthestic or any other type of ANYTHING! I cringe at the thought.

After he goes back to the rehab center looking like something not out of a horror film, he settles into treatment. He finds out that his parents are coming for the Family Program. He is enraged because he basically, like, hates his parents. He doesn't even know why. He says that The Fury rises immensely when they're around. During their visitation, it comes out that James spent the first 2 years of his life crying and in pain from undiagnosed ear infections. The psychologist working with the family explains, developmentally, how James is where he is. I am firm believer in the developmental steps of child development (Erikson's) and could totally see how something like that could happen, though I don't think it should be used as an excuse.

I definitely recommend this book. It was an eye opener for sure. I think listening to it made this "autobiography" all the more real. Why the " "s? Well, unfortunately, there seems to be much speculation that Mr. Frey's story is a crock. Check it out! If the man is a con, he even fooled *gasp* OPRAH!:

Look at my precious gentleman! I look at him and can't believe how fortunate I am that God gave him to me. This photo was taken on Easter of this year. He was all decked out! He's such a sweetheart, especially after this week when he was comforting me as I was very upset. It was bizarre!
My mother called me very upset due to finding out that one of her very good friends passed away the week before and she found out by looking in the newspaper. This man was responsible for finding me my first vehicle, taking care of all the family's cars, as well as driving me and Dre from MA to OH when he was just 6 weeks old to exchange my new car for my old one. This man drove my old care back to my mother's house in MA that very same night. The man had the heart of a servant and will really be missed by our family.
As my mother called me and was crying, I was crying as well. This little angel God gave came over to me, put his hands on my knees and reached up for a kiss. He went back to watching Yo Gabba Gabba and then came back to me and put his head on my lap. I was astonished at the bond we have. He knew something was wrong with his mom and he wanted to make me feel better. I love this little boy with all my heart and soul and pray that he remains the caring person he was last week.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"A Fine Balance" & Seriously...Bananas??

This book has been on my TBR (To Be Read) pile for years. I'm not even kidding you. This book has been on the list since college. As you can see by the cover of the book, it's another Oprah's book club choice. I don't know why I do this to myself because we all know how depressinggggg Oprah's choices can be. Unfortunately, I don't know of any other book lists (hint: if you're reading this, please give me some suggestions!)

This novel is set in the 1970's in India. This novel has a lot of different aspects to it. For some reason, I keep choosing books that have multiple characters with multiple stories. In the 1970's there was a, "State of Emergency," declared by the Prime Minister. To go into all the horrible things that happened during this state of emergency would take all day, so suffice it to say that it involved an attempted extermination of the poor. Houses were destroyed, sterilization of men and women (for population control), and in some instances, castration. No, I'm not lying.

The novel exhibits the strength and independence of a woman without the help of a man, the determination of a relative to provide for his nephew due to his parents being killed, and the serious depression of a college student which reached its culmination at the end of the novel.

If I have to focus on one thing throughout the novel, it is the depression of this college student, Maneck. He was sent away to college by his parents for a certificate in HVAC. Maneck felt slighted and felt as if his parents did not care and that he had no one. Having been a college student on a campus of over 20,000 students, I have heard of my fair share of depressive stories...even those leading to suicide. In my 3 1/2 years of college, I knew of at least 3 suicides; 2 hangings, and 1 overdose. It's almost like you know these types of things occur, but you can't undestand why. I can't understand it. I wish I could sit down with someone who has attempted suicide and pick their brain about what was going through their heads. I have been to some seriously low points in my life where I felt like I had no hope, my life was over, etc. But all I had to think of was my family or my friends (and not to mention my belief in Jesus Christ) and imagine how they would feel. What would happen to me afterwards? I wish there was a way I could speak to those considering this final choice and explain that rock bottom is okay since you can only go up from there.

So off of my depressing tangent and onto something cuter! Ok, so I know every kid has their favorite food or preference, but my son is cuckoo for bananas. When I tell you this kid goes absolutely crazy when he's sees the bananas on the stovetop (I keep them towards the back between the burners) I mean he goes NUTS! I have taken to keeping the bananas in a cabinet. How sad is this? We tried putting them on top of the fridge. Nope, didn't work because guess what's on top of the fridge? Ritz crackers and Goldfish. Darn baked snacks! This picture was taken at the Cracker Barrel for our little trio breakfast. Cut up bananas came with the oatmeal (which he also loves). He refused to eat the oatmeal and ate the bananas. Come to find out, there were 2 cut up bananas in the bowl. Talk about constipation!